• admin@mchllp.in
    022-26122993 / 94 / 3226

  • Address - 5, New Suri Building G B Indulkar Marg, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400057, Maharashtra, India.

    SECTION R : Arts, entertainment and recreation
    Division 90 : Creative, arts and entertainment activities
    900  Creative, arts and entertainment activities
     9000  Dramatic arts, music and other arts activities
      90001 Stage production and related activities
      90002Operation of concert and theatre halls and other arts facilities
      90003Activities of sculptors, painters, cartoonists, engravers, etchers etc.
      90004Activities of individual writers, for all subjects including fictional writing, technical writing etc.
      90005Activities of independent journalists
      90006 Activities of restoring of works of art such as paintings etc.
      90009Other creative arts and and entertainment activities
    34301 Times Visited