• admin@mchllp.in
    022-26122993 / 94 / 3226

  • Address - 5, New Suri Building G B Indulkar Marg, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400057, Maharashtra, India.

    Section / Rule Number   Content   
    Part I- 1. Short title, commencement and application
    Part I- 2. Definitions
    Part II- 3. Petition for winding up
    Part II- 4. Statement of affairs
    Part II- 5. Admission of petition and directions as to advertisement
    Part II- 6. Copy of petition to be furnished
    Part II- 7. Advertisement of petition
    Part II- 8. Application for leave to withdraw petition
    Part II- 9. Substitution for original petitioner.
    Part II- 10. Procedure on substitution
    Part II- 11. Affidavit-in-objection.
    Part II- 12. Affidavit in reply.
    Part II - 13. Applicability.
    Part II- 14. Appointment of provisional liquidator or Company Liquidator
    Part II- 15. Rules applicable to provisional liquidator
    Part II- 16. Costs, etc., of provisional liquidator.
    Part II- 17. Order to be sent to liquidator and form of order
    Part II - 18. Contents of winding up order
    Part II- 19. Directions on making winding up order
    Part II- 20. Advertisement of order
    Part II- 21. Declaration by Company Liquidator
    Part II- 22. Company Liquidator to take charge of assets and books and papers of company
    Part II- 23. Form of proceedings after winding up order is made
    Part II- 24. Application for leave to commence or continue suit or proceeding
    Part II- 25. Report by Company Liquidator
    Part II- 26. Inspection of statement of affairs and report
    Part II- 27. Consideration of report by Tribunal
    Part II- 28. Provisionallist of contributories
    Part II- 29. Notice to be given of date of settlement
    Part II- 30. Settlement of list
    Part II- 31. Notice of settlement to contributories
    Part II - 32. Supplemental list of contributories
    Part II- 33. Variation of list
    Part II- 34. Application for rectification of list
    Part II- 35. List of contributories consisting of past members
    Part II- 36. Meeting of creditors and contributories
    Part II - 37. Company Liquidator to report result of meeting
    Part II- 38. Filling -up of vacancy in advisory committee.
    Part II- 39. Company Liquidator and members of advisory committee dealing with company's assets.
    Part II- 40. Advisory committee not to make profit
    Part II- 41.Cost of obtaining order of Tribunal
    Part II- 42. Order sanctioning payment to advisory committee
    Part II- 43. Meetings of advisory committee
    Part II- 44. Application of rules to meetings
    Part II- 45. Notice of meeting
    Part II- 46. Place and time ofmeeting
    Part II- 47. Notice of first or other meeting to officers of company
    Part II- 48. Proof of notice
    Part II- 49. Costs of meeting
    Part II- 50. Chairman of meeting
    Part II- 51. Resolution at creditors' meeting
    Part II- 52. Resolution of contributories' meeting.
    Part II- 53. Copies of resolution to be filed
    Part II- 54. Non-receipt of notice by creditor or contributory
    Part II- 55. Adjournments
    Part II- 56. Quorum
    Part II- 57. Procedure in absence of quorum
    Part II- 58. When creditor can vote
    Part II- 59. Case in which creditors may not vote
    Part II- 60. When secured creditor can vote
    Part II- 61. Effect of voting by a secured creditor
    Part II- 62. Procedure when secured creditor votes without surrendering security
    Part II- 63. Admission or rejection of proof for purposes of voting
    Part II- 64. Minutes of proceedings
    Part II- 65. Report to Tribunal
    Part II- 66. Voting by proxies
    Part II- 67. Form of proxies
    Part II - 68. Proxies to Company Liquidator or chairman of meeting
    Part II- 69. Use of proxies by deputy
    Part II- 70. Forms to be sent with notice
    Part II- 71. Proxies to be lodged
    Part II- 72. Holder of proxy not to vote on matter in which he is financially interested
    Part II- 73. Minor not to be appointed proxy
    Part II- 74. Filling in proxy where creditor or contributory is blind or incapable
    Part II- 75. Proxy of person not acquainted with English
    Part II- 76. Submission of periodical reports to the tribunal
    Part II- 77. Employment of additional or special staff by Official Liquidator
    Part II- 78. Declaration by professional
    Part II - 79. Record book to be maintained by Company Liquidator
    Part II- 80. Registers and books to be maintained by Company Liquidator
    Part II- 81. All money to be paid into special bank account in a scheduled bank
    Part II- 82. Bills, cheques, etc. to be deposited with bank
    Part II- 83. Payments into Bank
    Part II- 84. Company Liquidator's Dividend Account
    Part II- 85. Where the company has no available assets
    Part II- 86. Investment of surplus funds
    Part II- 87. Company Liquidator to examine accounts for purposes of investment
    Part II- 88. Investments to be made by Bank
    Part II- 89. Dividend and interest to be credited
    Part II- 90. Refunds of taxes
    Part II- 91. Half-yearly accounts to be filed
    Part II- 92. Form of account
    Part II- 93. Nil account
    Part II- 94. Registry to send copy of account to auditor
    Part II- 95. Audit of Company Liquidator's accounts
    Part II- 96. Audit certificate to be filed
    Part II- 97. Audit fees
    Part II- 98. Inspection of account and certificate of audit
    Part II- 99. Account and auditor's report to be placed before Tribunal
    Part III- 100. Notice for proving debts
    Part III- 101. Proof of debt
    Part III- 102. Mode of proof and verification thereof
    Part III- 103. Contents of proof
    Part III- 104. Workmen's dues
    Part III- 105. Production of bills of exchange and promissory notes
    Part III- 106. Value of debts
    Part III- 107. Discount
    Part III- 108. Interest
    Part III- 109. Periodical payments
    Part III- 110. Proof of debt payable at future time
    Part III- 111. Examination of proof
    Part III- 112. Company Liquidator's right to call any person in connection with investigation
    Part III- 113. Affidavit
    Part III- 114. Costs of proof
    Part III - 115.Acceptance or rejection of proof to be communicated
    Part III- 116. Appeal by creditor
    Part III- 117. Procedure where creditor appeals
    Part III - 118. Company Liquidator not to be personally liable for costs
    Part III - 119. Proofs and list of creditors to be filed in Tribunal
    Part III - 120. List of creditors not to be varied
    Part III- 121. Notice of filing list and inspection of same
    Part III- 122. Expunging of proof
    Part III- 123. Procedure on failure to prove debt within time fixed
    Part III- 124. Right of creditor who has not proved debt before declaration of dividend
    Part III- 125. Payment of subsequent interest
    Part III- 126. Attendance at proceedings
    Part III- 127. Representation of creditors and contributories before Tribunal
    Part III- 128. Powers of Company Liquidator
    Part III- 129. Company Liquidator to be in position of receiver
    Part III- 130. Company's property to be surrendered to Company Liquidator on requisition
    Part III- 131. Calls by Company Liquidator
    Part III- 132. Company Liquidator to realise uncalled capital
    Part III- 133. Application for leave to make call
    Part III- 134. Notice ofapplication
    Part III- 135. Order granting leave to make call and document making call
    Part III- 136. Service of notice of call
    Part III- 137. Order for payment of call
    Part III- 138. Other moneys due by contributories
    Part III - 139. Application for examination under section 299
    Part III- 140. Directions at hearing of application
    Part III- 141. Service of summons
    Part III- 142. Conduct of examination
    Part III- 143. Notes of deposition
    Part III- 144. Order for examination under section 300
    Part III- 145. Notice of examination
    Part III- 146. Adjournment of examination for orders of Tribunal
    Part III- 147. Procedure for contumacy
    Part III- 148. Notes of examination
    Part III- 149. Application under sub-section (5) of section 300
    Part III- 150. Warrant of arrest of contributory
    Part III- 151. Prison to which contributory arrested on warrant is to be taken
    Part III- 152. Execution of warrant of arrest outside jurisdiction of Tribunal
    Part III- 153. Application under section 339 or section 340
    Part III- 154. Directions at preliminary hearing of summons
    Part III- 155. Liberty to apply for further directions
    Part III- 156. Application for disclaimer
    Part III- 157. Preliminary hearing of application
    Part III- 158. Claimant to furnish statement of his interest
    Part III- 159. Service of notice
    Part III- 160. Order granting leave to disclaim
    Part III- 161. Disclaimer to be filed in Tribunal
    Part III- 162. Vesting of disclaimed property
    Part III- 163. No claim to be compromised or abandoned without sanction of Tribunal
    Part III- 164. Application for sanction of compromise
    Part III- 165. Sale to be subject to sanction and to confirmation by Tribunal
    Part III- 166. Procedure at sale
    Part III- 167. Expenses of sale
    Part III- 168. Declaration of dividend or return of capital
    Part III- 169. Notice of declaration
    Part III- 170. Form of authority to pay dividend
    Part III- 171. Transmission of dividends, etc. by post
    Part III- 172. Form of order directing return of capital
    Part III- 173. Payment of dividend or return of capital due to deceased creditor or contributory
    Part III- 174. Company Liquidator to apply for dissolution
    Part III- 175. Dissolution of company
    Part III- 176. Liquidator to pay the balance into Company Liquidation Dividend and Undistributed Assets Account
    Part III- 177. Conclusion of winding up
    Part III- 178. Application to declare dissolution void
    Part III- 179. Statement to accompany payment
    Part III- 180. Unclaimed dividends or undistributed assets under investment
    Part III- 181. Application by person for payment of money paid into the Company Liquidation Dividend and Undistributed Assets Account
    Part III- 182. Cost and expenses payable out of the assets in a winding up by Tribunal
    PART IV - 183. Costs in the discretion of Tribunal
    PART IV- 184. Bill of costs by authorised representative, etc. employed by Company Liquidator
    PART IV- 185. Fees in misfeasance proceeding
    PART IV- 186. Fees when proceeding is compromised
    PART IV- 187. Costs of parties having common interest
    PART IV- 188. Tribunal's power to fix a fee
    PART IV- 189. Allowance to witnesses
    PART V- 190. Powers and functions of Official Liquidator
    Part VI.- 191. Inspection of file
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